Hello People of the page...
Here it is the last day of August... Also... the night of the Blue Moon...
Don't you love this photo????
I do...
I will pretend for a while… that this is me… Actually… I don’t have to pretend… I am forever trying to balance my life… between what I need to do and what I want to do… Don’t you find this true for you as well…? Marriage… children… work… play… family… Everybody and everything vying for our attention… So this… the night of the Blue Moon… I ask you to think about what is most important to you… What do you want for yourself? How will you achieve this? How far are you willing to go?
I am prepared to go to the moon… and back!
OK… tonight we will also look at #8 on our list of what “HAPPY PEOPLE DO DIFFERENTLY”…
8. Increase flow experiences. – Flow is a state in which it feels like time stands still. It’s when you’re so focused on what you’re doing that you become one with the task. Action and awareness are merged. You’re not hungry, sleepy, or emotional. You’re just completely engaged in the activity that you’re doing. Nothing is distracting you or competing for your focus.
Over the years I have learned the Art of Flow... when I am working on something... artistic... I am always in a state of flow... Once I start... it is hard to pull out of it... A couple of weeks ago I was at the Sunday Market and I was working on a ceramic high heel... I was covering it in tiny pieces of stained glass... I was so intent on my work... that I really neglected my customers and visitors! Before I knew it... a couple of hours had passed! I do the same thing when I am grouting my Mosaics... I do my grouting outside at a picnic table... The sound of the wind chimes my only companion... well that and my little animal friends... ;-)
It really is a lovely place to be... sometimes I have music on as a background... Especially when I write... Personally... I think my writing is better when I am listening to pieces that I love... Music has the power to really overwhelm me with emotion...
Of course... as I said earlier... Our lives are a juggling act at best! You might say... "Who has the time to be whisked away... I have things to do"!!!! That is just it... YOU have to make the time... Even if it is five or ten minutes a day... Listen to music in the car on your way to work... I like to listen to Louise Hay myself... I feel like I start my day with real grounded intentions of what I want for myself! And as I am a teacher... I need to be focused... and ready for anything! Maybe before you turn the light off at night... you say to yourself... "OK... here is my desire... I want to experience more joy in my life... Help me see a way to do this... Open up my mind and heart to be ready for this to enter my life"... You would be amazed at how interesting this will manifest this in your waking life!
What about you? What carries you to another time and space? I would love to hear your comments!
As Always...